
Semi-individualised meal plan, calculated by a dietitian.

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We appreciate and understand that sometimes our face to face consultations aren’t for everyone, regardless of the reason.
For this reason – we have our Online Semi-individualised meal plan.
Once you have paid the R400, you will receive an automated email with a link. Once you click on this link. It will take you to our online questionnaire, that you can fill in on your own time.
Once you are done with the questionnaire and you submitted the answers – our dietitians will start working on your plan.
Our dietitians will take all your answers and comments given in the questionnaire into account to do a meal plan, specifically for you.
We will email you the meal plan within 48 hours. In this email you will find your meal plan, some additional tips if applicable, a 12 minute video on how your meal plan works as well as our exchange lists to make your meal plan even more versatile.